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Will I get a job after the bootcamp?

We cannot guarantee that you will get a job after completing the bootcamp. Obtaining a job is strictly based on one’s own skill sets.  However, we are confident that as long as you stay engaged during the bootcamp, you will be able to test those skills and apply them to your work (that is if you would like).  Upon completion of the bootcamp, we will provide you with a certificate that you can print and/or add to your LinkedIn profile.

Our bootcamp is mostly catered to working professionals who want to add a data science skillset to their current job or project they are working on. Most come to the bootcamp with a project they are working on and want to utilize the skills they learn at the bootcamp to implement machine learning methods or deploy predictive models, etc. However, we do get a few people who are looking for a career change into data science and come to the bootcamp to kick-start their data science education, as 70 hours of training is just the beginning!

Are there any networking opportunities?

In addition to the 16-week training, you will have ample opportunity to network with the peers in your cohort. Prior to coming to the bootcamp, you will have access to a private chat group where you can meet and engage with your peers before, during, and after the bootcamp. Lastly, after the bootcamp, you will be invited to join the Data Science Dojo Alumni LinkedIn group.

Updated on March 2, 2024

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