Haven’t received your certificate yet? Has it been more than 3 days since your bootcamp completed? Have you checked your spam folder? Have you checked...
Do you offer employment assistance? Our 16-week bootcamp focuses on developing professional skills, not specifically job placement. However, you will have great networking opportunities during...
What do you offer after the bootcamp? While we don’t emphasize job placement with our bootcamp, we do have an extensive network of alumni that you will...
What is the Kaggle competition? The Data Science Dojo mentoring offering is a means for our students to expand and deepen the knowledge and skills...
Is there assistance after the bootcamp? Yes, we offer assistance if you are struggling with any of the topics covered in the bootcamp. You are eligible for...
What does the mentoring include? Data Science Dojo attendees who have purchased the Sensei package have the opportunity to work with industry data scientists on...