How much statistics will I need to know? We work hard to ensure that no prior statistics knowledge is required. We will teach you all the basics you...
Do you teach R or Python? We will teach this course in R, but we have Python equivalent scripts for all our main in-class exercises, and...
What will I learn? During the remote bootcamp you will learn practical, real-world data science – even if you are an absolute beginner. Our...
Can I use Python instead of R? Yes. While the bootcamp will be taught in R or Rstudio, we do provide the code scripts for Python to...
What does the curriculum look like? We teach you the fundamentals of Data Science from predictive analytics, to data visualization, to machine learning, data mining, to...
Do we receive grades? No, you will not receive grades for your work during the bootcamp. Additionally, any quizzes and tests are not graded...
What if my company doesn’t use Azure or R? The course is designed to not be too tool-focused or dependent on any specific tool such as Azure, R, Python,...
Where can I find a detailed course outline? You can request a curriculum for all of the following courses and we will email you the PDF version of...
What software do you teach? While we do work in R and Python during the training, knowledge of any programming language will work as we...