Do you offer employment assistance? Our 16-week bootcamp focuses on developing professional skills, not specifically job placement. However, you will have great networking opportunities during...
What positions can I apply for? We have a variety of open positions in our HQ in Redmond, WA, USA and several remote positions in our...
Will I get a job after the bootcamp? We cannot guarantee that you will get a job after completing the bootcamp. Obtaining a job is strictly based on...
What do you offer after the bootcamp? While we don’t emphasize job placement with our bootcamp, we do have an extensive network of alumni that you will...
Will I be a Data Scientist after the bootcamp? We do not promise that with 50 hours of training you will become a “data scientist”. However, we will teach...
Am I a good fit for the bootcamp? Our motto is “Data Science for Everyone”. We have created a curriculum that makes data science skills accessible to anyone...
Do you have a job board? Yes, we have a job board. You are more than welcome to search for jobs as well as post new...