Data Science Dojo is a global company. We have trained more than 10,000+ people from over 2500+ companies globally. You can find their reviews on our testimonials page. In addition to our public bootcamps, we have also trained a number of Fortune 500 companies for private customized training.
Data Science Dojo is also committed to giving back to society by supporting non-profits and organizing data science communities around the world. We offer fellowships to nonprofit professionals dedicated to using data science to improve lives. Fellows are not required to become data scientists. You can read more about that, here.
We have meetup groups across the US in Austin, Chicago, Phoenix, New York, Seattle, Silicon Valley, and Washington DC, We also have international meetup groups in Karachi, Singapore, and Toronto.
How are you different from 8-12 week bootcamps?
At Data Science Dojo, we believe that the ‘Become a Data Scientist‘ slogan used by many companies is inherently flawed.
We approach data science teaching from a professional development, and not necessarily a career change perspective. In just five days, we will teach you enough data science to be able to start solving real-world problems.
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