Unfortunately, we do not offer student discounts. We offer early-bird discounts starting at 27% off. All of our discounts are available in limited quantities and are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once we sell out of our discounted seats, we move to full price.
If cost is of concern to you, you can also opt to pay with Ascent payment plans. Ascent offers different types of payment options that bring down your monthly payment and you can start the program with a low monthly payment or choose to pay after completing the program. To learn more about Ascent payment plans please visit their website.
Do you have a fellowship program?
We offer fellowships to non-profit professionals dedicated to using data science to improve lives. Fellows are not required to become data scientists. Instead, they use the skills that they develop at our bootcamp to: enhance their research projects, increase efficiency, and highlight how data can help society.
Unlike other fellowships, Data Science Dojo fellows:
- May pursue whatever career they want
- Commit to only 16-week remote data science training.
Please apply here.