• What is the Kaggle competition?

    The Data Science Dojo mentoring offering is a means for our students to expand and deepen the knowledge and skills they acquire from the bootcamp. Students form small teams and are paired with an experienced data scientist from industry as a mentor. The student team then tackles a public Kaggle…

  • What is included in the tuition?

    What you receive during and post-bootcamp depends on which pricing package you purchase. For most of our bootcamps, we have 3 standard pricing packages for most bootcamps: Dojo, Guru, and Sensei. For more detail, you can view our pricing package comparison. To view more about each location’s pricing packages you…

  • When are you coming to new locations?

    We announce new bootcamp locations frequently! You can check out our upcoming schedule to find bootcamps near you or request to be notified once we announce our bootcamp in another location! If you see a location that has been announced and without a date, please don’t hesitate to reach out…

  • How do I login to the learning portal?

    Once you are registered for the bootcamp, you should be receiving a flurry of emails from Data Science Dojo. One of those will contain steps for you to create your learning portal account. Once you have created your account, you will be receiving another email to activate your account. Once…

  • Do you have a job board?

    Yes, we have a job board. You are more than welcome to search for jobs as well as post new positions within your company.  

  • Do we receive grades?

    No, you will not receive grades for your work during the bootcamp. Additionally, any quizzes and tests are not graded and are only provided for your learning. Is there homework during the bootcamp? There are 10 hours of pre-bootcamp tutorials (to prepare everyone for the material we will cover) and…

  • Do I need to bring my own laptop?

    Yes, please bring your own laptop. Any Mac, Linux or Windows operating system will work well. Install R, R studio is required. Install GitHub client. (Recommended) Install a text editor of your choice: Notepad++ or Sublime Text 3 are recommended. Make sure you have admin access to the laptop in case you need to install. If the laptop is the property of your company, please make sure that you have their permission to install software on the laptops.

  • Is there pre-bootcamp coursework?

    Yes, once you are registered,we have about 10 hours of pre-bootcamp coursework to get you ramped up for the 50 hours of in-person training. You can access your pre-bootcamp coursework by signing into your learning portal and accessing Programs. In Programs, select Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp (DSDZ101).  …

  • Do you offer free courses?

    Yes, we do offer short free courses on Data Science related topics. You can access them here. If you’re interested in our certificate programs, they include a fee however you get a lot more benefits in terms of live sessions, verified certificates, comprehensive curriculum, and instructor support. You can check…

  • How do I convince my boss?

    Need help to convince your boss to send you to this training? No problem! We can write a letter of justification and outline of just what you will get out of our 5-Day Data Science & Data Engineering Bootcamp! We even have a Convince your Boss template to help you…